Pendo Advocates

Become a Pendo Advocate

Explore different options to get involved and show some Pendo love.

Submit a customer story

If Pendo has made an impact in your organization or a positive impact to your customers, we'd love to hear and share your story with the Pendo community. If your story is published you’ll receive a $50 Amazon gift card.
Submit a customer story
Become a reference
Fill out the survey to become a reference and receive a $25 Amazon gift card after you complete your reference call.
Become a reference
Know someone who would benefit from using Pendo? Help us connect with them and receive up to $550.
Write a G2 review
Add your perspective on Pendo by writing a review and receive a $15 Amazon gift card after you submit.
Write a review
Take our customer survey
Tell us how you are utilizing Pendo, how we could improve, and volunteer for ways to get involved. Enter for a chance to win a $500 gift card.
Take the survey
Lead a user group
Start a Pendo User Group in your community and network with local Pendo users. Receive a free pass to Pendomonium and PUG leader swag.
Apply now
Share your use case
Customers often tell us how Pendo has become a verb inside their organizations. Share the most unique, creative, or innovative way you’ve used Pendo.
Share your story